Wednesday, March 24, 2021

37. The best. Discussion

You will notice below that not only is drunkenness mentioned, so is sexual acting out.

On the last point, we Americans have always been very confused. We should consider that sexual acting out up until very recent times meant severe consequences: very serious diseases (thus the need for monogamy) and babies born to single women who usually had to rely on men to care for them and their children (no artificial birth control). Of course even today these results may still occur.

Thus sex was seen in Bible times as a very dangerous matter – which it was. So those who did not rein in their sex drives were liable to cause other people a considerable amount of harm. But, we all know that God put the sex drive in humans. And we also know that it is the natural way to propagate the human species. Further, raising children can be good for people, improving their spiritual maturity.

So the main point to draw from all that is the question: what is the impact of one's sexual activity on other people? Does self-gratification tend to the injury of another person? Much has to do with motive. Check your motive.

But even if the motive seems, subjectively, OK, that doesn't mean there is nothing to watch out for. Many people have tried to be kindly, if not conformist, in their sex lives, only to find that their sexual desires – especially when stimulated by drugs – get out of control and lead to some sad situations.

Also, because erotic pleasure is so potent, seemingly harmless behavior may develop into the bondage of obsessive compulsion. Jesus came to liberate us, not to send us back to slavery.

Again, if a person is born again, then God has accepted responsibility for that person – even though afflicted with a sexual disorder. If not born again, then it may be so that she has had no desire to turn her life around.

Galatians 5:19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Revelation 21:7-8
7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

35. Oil and water. Discussion

More on persecution
When your gospel light shines from you, everyone can see it. Some of them can't stand it, even if you don't evangelize, and they are bound to cause you trouble. Isn't that exactly what happened to Jesus? Bestial people turned and tore him when he offered spiritual food to the desperate. And Jesus warns his followers to expect persecution. Why? Because the world and the spirit of this world – Mammon/Satan – hates their very presence.

Of course it is apparent to anyone that those persons who are altogether in the flesh (ruled by the animal self = the body), who are not at all seeking God, do not want to hear your spiritual gems. The more you try to talk God to them, the more they will resent you, and may very well do you harm, one way or another. For example, suppose you see a drug deal in progress and you urge the parties to desist in order that they not continue hurting themselves. A very possible result is that you will be shot by some money-crazed or drug-crazed gunman.

Of course, that is an extreme example. More usual is the case of the superior who passes you over for promotion while snickering at you behind your back for being a "Jesus freak."

The more a Christian lets her light shine in the world, the more the tendency of the dogs and swine to turn and rend her.

Hence one interpretation of this couplet might be that those who follow Christ will face persecution. The more their light shines before men, the more some will want to blot out that light. Although it is good advice not to talk to certain people about spiritual matters because they may become enraged and bring about harm, it remains true that the more focused a Christian is on the things of God, the more he stands out like a sore thumb among worldlings, no matter that he tries to be meek and lowly. In particular, people in authority tend to wield power by taking advantage of fear and lack of knowledge. But the Christ in the Christian is not a spirit of fear. And the Spirit provides knowledge that the wordly controllers may wish to conceal.

A Christian who shows little fear and does not respond to the secretive behaviorist "animal training" techniques of oppressors is seen as a major threat. What if others start marching to the beat of a different drummer? The oppressors fear losing their sway (recall the reaction of the Sanhedrin to Jesus' words and deeds). And, even worse, many an unregenerate "self" fears its annihilation and is terrorized that the Christian light will cause it to shrivel up and die (which, in fact, is a valid fear, the natural self being an unclean spirit). Oppressors need not be national dictators and their minions; they are often people at school, on the job, or in the family who are unconscious of their true motives.

Yet, persecution helps the Christian and helps to spread God's kingdom, whatever Satan's motives. Persecution is often thought of as "hard testing." One's faith is sorely tried. It may be very tempting to turn away from identifying with Christ when the devil strikes. How deeply rooted is your faith? Would you be able to accept your own murder, and possibly the deaths of loved ones, rather than publicly renounce Christ and his teaching?

Here the Christian enters the Valley of Decision. The true Christian will be delivered out of such trials, though we have the example of the cross to show us how severe the testing can become. I don't say that all real Christians will face being murdered – though in some parts of the world today Christians do indeed pay with their lives for their faith.

But persecution sifts the wheat from the chaff. It tests your mettle. It refines off the dross from your being, and helps you to be more purely committed to God. If you are a real Christian, it makes you a better person even though you have no desire to go through this suffering and temptation.

So, please Lord, lead us not into any temptation that we cannot withstand; and deliver us out of the troubles inflicted by the adversary.

30. Paid off. Discussion

Don't fall for this trick
Don't be misled, Paul warns. Dangerous people promote self-neglect that looks very spiritual but is part of a plan to lead you into worshiping beings other than God. Watch out for people espousing such philosophies. Stick with Jesus, via the Spirit. Follow him, not people who have a form of spirituality that contradicts the liberation given you by Jesus.

The whole point of Jesus' sacrifice was to set you free, not to re-enslave you! Paul, writing to the church at Collosae, did not oppose the value of self-denial and fasting, but told the flock there to make sure what they were doing accorded with the gospel of salvation.

Colossians: 2:16-23
Selected verses
16 Let no one therefore tell you what to eat or drink, or to observe some holy day, or the time of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days [our Saturdays].
18 Let no one trick you into turning aside from your reward  by a formal humility and angel worship; that person is intruding into those things which he knows nothing about, being vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. [How can you permit someone who is not born-again – a fact which you should be able to discern – to divert the congregation with these kooky ideas?]
20 Now if you are dead, with Christ, to the world's controlling spirits, why do behave like you should submit to the world's rules?
21 As in: don't touch this, don't taste that, don't handle something else,
22 which are things that all pass away with use.
23 These are merely the rules and teachings of human beings.
24 Such willful practices certainly appear pious and wise, with their shows of humility and neglect of the body. Nevertheless, such practices cannot defeat the flesh.
Hard-core ascetism -- including rigorous fasting -- is of no value without the leading of the Spirit. On that side of the coin however we have Jesus wandering in the Judean wildlands for some 40 days during which time he ate nothing. But he was led -- even driven -- by the Spirit.

Fasting is something many of us would rather not think about, having done little to overcome the sick demands of our bodies. Yet, as reborn Christians we have the Spirit, and so we possess the weaponry necessary to fight excessive bodily drives [HTR.y2].

Really good food
Lest we forget, Jesus was very serious about this Scripture:

Deuteronomy 8:3
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Does not Jesus urge his followers to eschew focus on food and instead "eat him" and do the will of God? Do not live to eat. Eat to live. More than that: eat Jesus to live more abundantly.

John 6:53-54
53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 4:34
My food is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
Also, we may recall that when Jesus sent out "70" (a symbolic number, meaning a complete group) disciples to fan out through Judaea, he sent them without provisions. No money. No extras. While it is certainly so that God provided their needs as they went on their way, we can fairly assume that they had at times to skip meals, perhaps even for several days. Jesus wants us to learn not to focus on food, to give up the 6 o'clock express (would that I would).

In any case, many Christians over the centuries have engaged in spiritual fasting, not in order to look thin and flatter themselves, but to practice self-denial, which is a major teaching of Jesus [HTR.3]. How is one to die to self if he habitually indulges his body? That nut is a real toughie, but Jesus has and is the answer.

Now and then Christians are led astray for a while by the notions of soul offered by Pythagoras and Plato  and their adherents. In that Greek tradition, to which the church has been exposed rather often, the soul is regarded as an immortal being imprisoned in an evil body. New Testament doctrine says that the inner person, the one that is to be saved, must fight the desires of the flesh, with this fleshly mind or spirit being essentially anti-God. The fleshly mind, or animal mind, is unable to relate to God, which is why it goes its own way.

Thus, the Greeks had a partial understanding. There is a war between the "higher" person and the animal self. But, the higher person that they yearned after – but could not attain before the Resurrection – is the born-again mind, the one that has been renewed and transformed after Christ's touch. As the Messiah had yet to be revealed, these Greeks did the best they could with the information at hand.

So one can see a partial agreement between the teaching of Jesus that one must deny himself and be prepared to do without and the yogi-like teaching of the Greeks. Yet, there is a major difference. The Greek thinkers believed that rigorous denial of creature comforts would purge the soul so that it would no longer have to endure many human and animal lives, thus bringing the soul to a blessed state.The problem with that idea is that – no one can do it. In order to achieve complete mastery of the animal self, you would already have to be perfect. The mistake here is the theory that your works, your efforts, can save you, whether you are trying to be a stickler for Jewish rules and regulations or a Greek moral code. Surrender to Jesus is how you become saved. That is the gospel.

Drawing nearer to God
Now what has just been said should not be taken as a cop-out, whereby no effort is made at fasting and denial of comforts to oneself. The goal should be a closer communion with God. Sure, any animal mind problems need to be handed off to God. But the complete purging of the animal mind – the flesh – may not come in this life, though one should not rule out such a possibility. But even then, no one would reach that blessed state under her own steam. None of us can do anything without Christ. The two swords brought to Jesus shortly before his arrest (Luke 22:38) signify the fact that he has been granted all power in heaven and on earth, all spiritual and temporal power. We cannot even do something criminal without his back-channel aid, let alone save ourselves all by ourselves.

Thus monastics, who live a life of deprivation of material and other satisfactions, may be doing well – if the goal is closer communion with God. But if the aim is to reach a special blessed state by such self-denial, then there will be disappointment. This is an important point. Some Christians have allowed themselves to remain worldly on the theory that only special religious people are called to possibly become saints. In the proper sense, a saint is a born-again believer. A saint is not an especially holy person, though real born-again believers are expected to be kind and loving. As Christ loved them, so are they to love others.

To recap: show-off fasting, like show-off charity, is a pitiful, superficial, ego-driven behavior. In fact, any ego-driven fasting is of little help. And though monks and yogis may improve their character by fasting, no human action will suffice to save them. The fasting that Jesus commends is meant for a deeper walk with God by someone who has surrendered to Jesus. Then the childish ego tends to diminish as God's love increases.
Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
                     –  Traditional hymn

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

38. Treasure in heaven. Discussion

Don't lay up earthly treasures
What did Jesus tell the wealthy young man? "Give away everything, and follow me" (Mark 10:17-31).

In that passage, Jesus says, "It is harder for a rich man to enter God's kingdom than for a camel [or rope] to squeeze through a needle's eye."

Why so? Is it because the overly affluent person hasn't time to heed God, being too busy serving self? Even a kindly rich person will have difficulty in this matter. It is just too easy to pay for what you want. You needn't wait on God and receive his blessing. You can bless yourself too easily. You are blinded to the riches of God by your material wealth.

And we Americans must not point fingers. For even the poor among us are materially rich by standards of previous generations. How many poor people can these days fulfill a great many personal wants simply by swiping a debit card? I would say it is especially difficult for modern Americans to experience God's kingdom.

God or Mammon?
Mammon is a name used for material wealth, a name which connoted the idea of a false god. A modern way to put the verse is, "You cannot serve both God and the Almighty Dollar."

As explicit as this admonition is, a great many Christians do not take it seriously. But we should always take seriously every word that proceeds from the mouth of Jesus -- though of course we may have to wrestle with a teaching and ask God its meaning and application to our personal situation.

Here, as elsewhere, Jesus is calling on those who would follow him to fix their eyes on the things of God, in fact to fix their eyes on God (which means emulating Jesus). You may think you love God, but if you are distracted by the pursuit of personal gain, then you are either putting God in the back seat or you keep grabbing the wheel from him, and then handing it back, as you go forward.

Then there are those who feel satisfied with their wealth and attribute it to God's blessing. Perhaps so. Could be. But let us consider the possibility that the pious words are simply rationalizing the money-chase and covering self-indulgence carried out at the price of skimping on God's teaching and work.  Those persons show that they have more faith in earthly goods than in heaven's treasure, which in turn implies that they are still rooted in the soil of the world and have not turned to the light. (I plead guilty to the error of trying to serve self and God.)

If God called you to sell everything off, give the proceeds to the poor and follow Jesus – now being forced to depend totally on him – would you do it? Not many would be willing, like Abraham, to give up everything when called to do so. Yet that is the appeal Jesus gives to those who follow him. "You don't need anything but me. Be ready to drop everything for my sake." Those still strongly pulled by the bodily self find this call hard to accept.

Proverb 14:12
People take roads that look good, but they all lead to death [WT.7].
Now it could be so that a born-again person who is not as focused as Paul (such as myself, whose spiritual eye is not quite as healthy as it ought to be), could dally by the roadside and hinder his sojourn by feeding such creaturely desires as the practice of trying to pile up money. In this light, recall that when Jesus sent the 70 (a symbolic number implying that the group was well chosen) to preach to the Jews all over the Jewish region, he told those disciples to go forth with no money or shoes and to stop and salute no one. In other words: Focus only on the mission I gave you, and don't be sidetracked by taking thought of what you will eat or wear on your journey, or by socializing or otherwise getting tied up in some nonessential human endeavor. [WT.5]

In Luke 9:58, Jesus told a would-be follower: "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the son of man is homeless." Jesus had no earthly goods, not even a regular place to sleep.

Recall that Jesus is quoted, in the Beatitudes, as saying,

Matthew 5:3
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
And I have heard Christians argue that the qualification "in spirit" means that it is fine to be affluent, or even rich, as long as one has a "spirit" of poverty. That may be so – for those who can handle it!

Now compare that with the Lucan parallel, which lacks the qualifier "in spirit":

Luke 6:20-31
And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.
My feeling is that Jesus wasn't saying that, after all is said and done, we need not surrender all to him. Rather, who are meant in Luke's version are those poor who can do nothing but humbly depend on God. Yet we see poor people every day who are full of themselves, who are arrogant and presumptuous on God (whom they often deny). That's not the sort of poor person Jesus has in mind here, and that is what Matthew is clarifying.

Though some do make a case for having, but not abusing, wealth, we see that Jesus and the twelve disciples had nothing other than what Judah (Judas) carried about in the common purse. And after the Resurrection, the apostles had little or nothing in material goods. The "nation that was born in one day" (Isaiah 66:8) during the feast of Pentecost existed as a Christian commune before persecution scattered the believers.

Recall the admonition: "The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil." Let us consider that the author of that quote (1 Timothy 6:10) would pick up tent-making work rather than bother his new flocks. Sporadic moneymaking had the sole purpose of helping Paul further his service to God as he went all out to fulfill the Great Commission. He did not fool around piling up money. He had no time for such trivia. He did not continuously beseech audiences to finance his ministry so that the work of God could be done.

No. Paul would here and there scoop up a bit of cash and let that suffice. God's grace was sufficient for Paul to advance the gospel. No cash cow necessary. Mammon need not be milked. His faith in God was sufficient to ensure that the job got done.

Another point: the love of money was not going to hinder Paul from entering God's kingdom. That born-again man was already in! And he wasn't about to look back toward childish fool's gold!

The only time Paul had much money on him, as far as we know, was when he was carrying a collection he had taken up to aid Christians in Jerusalem (see for example 1 Corinthians 16:1-3). The point is that Paul's material poverty did not slow him down at all; in fact, it very probably speeded him up.

The church at Thessalonica had problems with men who wouldn't pull their weight. Thus the admonition that idle men not be fed [WT.6]. The brothers were urged to a quiet discipline in which each eats his own bread (I take this to mean that no one takes more than his due). So we see that Jesus' high teaching requires wisdom in the application, but that doesn't make his advice of no account. We are to strive to rest easy in Jesus and do our best to accommodate our brothers.

Of course an implication of 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 [WT.6] is that communal life was the norm for the very early church. Many of these Christians expected the Messiah at any moment and so they saw the communal life as sensible. In Acts, we are told that the newly created Christians voluntarily pooled their resources and lived in a commune.

The early Christian communes were dispersed by the persecution from Jewish authorities and by the looming Roman invasion near the year 70. Any that remained during the Second Century were dispersed after the Bar Kochba revolt was crushed around the year 135. Paul's churches were not necessarily modeled as communes, although sharing was strongly encouraged.

And of course over the centuries various groups of devout Christians have joined in communes under the auspices of the Roman Catholic or Byzantine Orthodox churches. They follow some sort of code of conduct ("rule") and are often known as monks and nuns ("Religious"). Many such groups have required a vow of poverty.

Yet I don't think Jesus' teachings about the Father providing for his children (Spirit-born sons) should be confined to the practices of certain specialized Christian communities. They are meant to grab hold of the individual, that she fear not, and rest assured that her needs will be   met – though many of us don't always think so because we are defining our needs rather than letting God do so.

There is another aspect of this issue, however. Think of the person whose poverty stems largely from his dissolute lifestyle. As a result of his wanton ways, not only does he suffer but others do also. Perhaps he has been neglecting family in order to "party hard." Finally, he discovers that his way is worthless. He reaches a bottom and calls out to God for help. He begins attending church and letting Jesus light the way.

Granted, he is obligated to, in his heart, turn over everything to Jesus. But, we may notice that his material prosperity increases because, to paraphrase Paul, he is doing everything properly and in good order (1 Corinthians 14:40). That person should not be criticized for exercising the faith that lifts him out of the Slough of Despond. It is up to him, with great care, to work out his own salvation, to walk his own walk with the Lord (Philippians 2:12).

If your inner light is dark
Jesus is not talking about the physics of light here. He is talking about the spirit within you that, for most of us, connects to this world through the eyes. When a person lets his light shine, people can see the radiance in his eyes. When his mind is polluted, it often shows in the eyes. Or, when your spiritual light is dark, your whole being shows it. But, more important, a person's spirit is her guide, what she uses to navigate through the world. If that spirit is healthy, she can see clearly to do the next right thing (including removing a speck from a sister's or brother's eye). But if that spirit is ill, she will be stumbling around in great darkness, even though she doesn't seem to know that.

As Jesus would show as his ministry progressed, both before and after his Resurrection, human spirits have become desperately sick and so need resuscitation by being joined with the Spirit of God. That blend means that the born-again person can now see quite well, despite being hobbled by his old nature.

A parallel idea is that the world in which we live is like a deep, dark mine shaft. While down in that mine, we need to have our helmet lights in good working order. Otherwise, we will be in for a miserable and dangerous experience. We need pray to God to keep our helmet lights in good condition while we are down in the mine.

A related idea is the old saying, "The eyes are the windows of the soul." Not only does the soul peek out, but others peer in.

In other words, Matthew 6:22 is saying: The lamp of the body is the eye. If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be radiant, and more important, you will see clearly and function well in the world. But if your eye is diseased not only is your whole body dark, but your whole world is dark. So if your inner light is poor and leaves you in darkness, this is a very grim situation.

The light within the person is the spirit that guides her. If that spirit is dark, how can the person see much of anything? What a world she lives in!

Fallen humanity is spiritually dead. Although in that condition we think we know what we are doing, the truth is that we are lost, stumbling about inside a poorly lit maze of crazy-house mirrors. We are suffering under a strong delusion, following ways that seem right but end badly. Being dead in spirit, we are out of focus, out of tune with God until such time as we receive salvation and new life.

In other words, for those whose lamps are dark (=most people), their inner lights are guiding them toward a bitter end.

Once you have the light of God within, Jesus admonishes you to "let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your heavenly Father" (Matthew 5:16). That light really radiates when you have the Spirit within, who merges with your spirit so that you begin to be in your right mind and able to see clearly and provide light for others.

We ought acknowledge at this point that no one can follow Jesus without God first deciding so (John 6:65). No one can turn to him before God decides he is ready (Proverb 16:9). Even so, we are strongly told that not later, not tomorrow, not next year, not in the next life, but, if you haven't received Christ into your heart, then right now is your time for salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:2
... Look! Now is the accepted time. Look! Now is the day of salvation.
Also see

Romans 13:11
Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.
It should be evident that this idea of letting your light shine does not justify a "holier than thou" attitude: "Oh, look at me. See how good I am being."

The point is that if you give God more than lip service, then you will want to love your neighbor as yourself, you will want to help out others as you go along in life, and hence, you will do friendly things, thus letting your real Christian light shine.

Seek the kingdom, and its righteousness
This saying summarizes much of what Jesus has been stressing. Go for the real gold! The pearl of great price! Don't worry about routine needs! God has your back on that!

We are not certain whether the caution and his righteousness [or and its...] is a reasonable amplification by Matthew's principle composer or is an exact quotation of the words of Jesus. But either way it is a sound admonition, which is meant to guard against any tendency to be overly cerebral in pursuing God's kingdom. Talk is cheap. Action counts. Intention is everything. If you don't have a desire toward God's rightness, you may easily end up spinning your wheels. After all, God's kingdom is all about doing right in word, thought and deed, all about a right attitude toward God and your fellow humans.

When, before his Resurrection, Jesus spoke of the divine kingdom, that kingdom had not yet arrived with power – with the descent of the Spirit in tongues of fire at the feast of Pentecost that brought the first crop of born-again believers. But after the Resurrection the Apostle Paul, on fire for the Lord and gushing over with the Spirit, was able to describe God's kingdom succinctly.

Romans 14:17
For God's kingdom is not food and drink – but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
This description applies now in this life as well as in the Millennium and in Paradise.

As John Stott points out, "In the end, just as there are just two kinds of piety, the self-centered and the God-centered, so there are only two kinds of ambition: one can be ambitious either for oneself or for God. There is no third alternative."

Yet how many of us have great difficulty with this challenge? We're like timid swimmers who only get the toes wet, but refuse to plunge in and get moving! I fit into this category. Even worse, having gone in up to my knees, I have fled back to the comfort of the beach (creature comfort).

Even despite our timidity, for nearly all of us who yearn to be real Christians who give God much more than lip-service, Matthew 6:33 gives an ideal to which we all ought aspire. We should hear Paul's "high calling of God" in this challenge (Philippians 3:14).

Let tomorrow take care of itself
Don't be concerned about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Today has enough trouble.

As one writer puts it: "If tomorrow does bring trouble, there will be new grace to meet it."

Though the word grace is not attributed to Jesus in the four gospel accounts, it is surely implicit in his doctrine: Don't worry, God will provide, you know not how – just as a small child has no idea by what means his daddy provides for him. Not only does God like to surprise us (just as you like to surprise your children with good gifts) but if you always knew by what means he would provide, how would your faith be built up? Recall old Abraham, with his old wife, believing he would have a son. How? Who knew? God would provide.

Clearly Jesus does not mean don't plan ahead. But the sort of frenzied "planning" spurred by anxiety tends to be not only excessive but even obsessive-compulsive. We have no reason to take thought that way because we ought have the "peace of God that passes all understanding."


Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
In general, Jesus tells us not to worry, because worry is pointless. Further, we might observe that anxiety – which is an expression of insecurity and fear – is a major source of evil, or, that is, of sick thinking that leads to sad results. Not only do people often worry themselves sick, but as a result they do sick things (for example, by being rage-aholics) that hurt those around them. Ridden and driven by anxiety, life is a rotten shame, and stays that way. The crime rate would take a big nosedive if people would just quit worrying and cooking up crazy plans to meet their supposed or real needs.

But, we are assured that "never have I seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread" (Psalms 37:2). Those who trust in Jesus don't need to beg, or resort to crime, for their material needs. They don't need to worry about feeding their children either. God has that covered.

The insecurity and rage so common among our sisters and brothers can often be traced, at least in part, to fear of humiliation; some people will kill rather than tolerate humiliation (for example, jealousy is all about fear of humiliation). This very dangerous insecurity is booted right out of the believer's life, as Jesus enters and grants the born-again person the peace of God. As the Christian walks along, he learns that he doesn't have to see ahead in a human way. He steps forward in faith, claiming God's assurances that God will care for him, come what may. Faith is "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:11). In other words, true faith is complete confidence in God's promises.
I recall driving on a lonely stretch of a two-lane Texas highway over rolling, but sparsely vegetated hills, on a very dark night. I could not see past the occasional car in front of me, because any opposing headlights were overwhelmed by the lights of the car in front of me. Texans in that area had a custom, I soon learned, of flashing their lights to signal the car behind that it was safe to pass. I had to absolutely trust the judgment of the driver ahead of me! I had to put faith in that driver's ability.

That's how it is with faith in God, only more so.
I grant that for those who have not sincerely dedicated themselves to Jesus, it would probably be imprudent to take no thought of worldly needs. Such persons are still in the Satan-ruled world. Though God sends rain to fall on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45), those who have yet to be justified by putting their trust in Jesus are not yet in God's kingdom and so must suffer the consequences.

Of course, Jesus was not only putting out the word to those who will soon become born-again disciples, but also to the crowds of eavesdroppers, most of whom listened in uncomprehending awe (on account of the miracles he had done). Yet, I suggest, that even years later some of these eavesdroppers would have suddenly grasped something Jesus had said and turned themselves over to his care. In other cases, hearers told friends and relatives some of the interesting, if peculiar, things they remembered and that discussion woke up someone else, who then turned to Jesus the Messiah.

John Calvin's comment is on the mark: "If honor is rated the highest good, then ambition must take charge of a man; if money, then forthwith greed takes over the kingdom; if pleasure, then men will certainly degenerate into sheer self-indulgence."

God's servants need not worry
In First Century Judea, Jewish teachers taught that it was a man's duty to teach his son a trade. To do otherwise was to make him a thief. But it is apparent that Jesus was saying much more than that you have no need to worry about tomorrow if you have a marketable skill. He was saying that if you are seeking God's kingdom – and his righteousness – God has your needs covered. So get rid of the worry habit. It doesn't get you anywhere anyway. Tomorrow will have troubles of some sort, true, but stop fretting. Focus on what needs doing today.

When you seek to do God's will, and nix the lip service, that is seeking his righteousness. Further, once you are born again, you are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus. You have been made right in God's eyes. Once you have that, then it is time to seek to do his will, rather than to merely inflate your own ego. Choose to sit at the foot of the table, rather than up by the place of honor.

Once you have been made right on account of the price paid by Jesus' blood, you are reborn as a son of God, a member of the royal family. We are not righteous on account of our "good" deeds but because Jesus has imputed his righteousness to us, who have become his little brothers. When God's Spirit enters a person (which can't happen before she has been made right by Jesus), the Father and Son join in to commune with the person. Then, one has set foot into the kingdom. As the believer enters, perhaps the light is a bit dim, as it is at dawn, but as she walks with Jesus, the light of the kingdom brightens, and so does the love in the believer's heart.

You, as sons of God or soon-to-be sons of God (those listening at the time would not receive full sonship before Jesus had risen and sent the Spirit), will have your needs met. Why be like the ordinary unregenerate people who are unable to wait for God to meet their needs, as they are not spiritually members of his family (though he still loves them)?

In the saying about the Gentiles, the thought is: How  are you Jewish fellows any different from the pagans when you won't rely on God? Again, we see the inference that his hearers, no matter how religious they thought they were, could not meet the high standard of God – at least not without the Spirit of salvation.

The people Jesus is recruiting into his Father's kingdom are to be so reliant on God that they should be all set to give up their worldly goods and obtain heavenly treasure.

Some commentators think these drastic admonitions implied that Jesus thought the end – the Big Event – was very close and so his followers needed no earthly goods. That's not my take. I believe he does mean what he says: true disciples need nothing but Jesus. His Father and yours will assure that you need not worry about material goods – as long as you are doing what God wants (and Jesus is not a strict taskmaster; his yoke is easy and his burden is light).