Sunday, January 24, 2021

36. Strip. Notes

sa.1. The report of a massacre of Galileans is found in Luke 13:1. The details of what happened are found in The Herods of Judeaea by A.H.M. Jones (Oxford 1938).
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Bible commentary notes:
The slaughter of the Galileans by Pilate is unknown outside Luke; but from what is known about Pilate from the Jewish historian Josephus, such a slaughter would be in keeping with the character of Pilate. Josephus reports that Pilate had disrupted a religious gathering of the Samaritans on Mount Gerizim with a slaughter of the participants (Antiquities 18:86–87), and that on another occasion Pilate had killed many Jews who had opposed him when he appropriated money from the temple treasury to build an aqueduct in Jerusalem (Jewish War 2:175–77; Antiquities 18:60–62).
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Bible, Luke 13

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